Journey Teens

Explore ministry opportunities for your student at Journey Teens. Grades 6-12


TIME: 6:00 P.M.- 8:00 P.M.


Here is what to expect from TEEN TUESDAYS!

>🍔 Free grub alert! Chow down on delicious home-cooked meals and all things nom-nom (provided free of charge)

> 🏐 Game On! From epic dodgeball battles to brain-bending trivia, our games are like caffeine for your soul.

> 🎶 Music Sesh! We crank up the volume when it comes time to sing out for all things JESUS!

> 📖 Biblical Truth Bombs! Our fearless leaders drop wisdom bombs straight from the Good Book. Prepare to have your life changed.

> 🤚 Friendship Fuel: Meet peeps who get you. No awkward handshakes—just high-fives and fist-bumps.

> ✝️ Faith Boost: Dive into real talk about life, love, and the universe (okay, maybe not the universe, but definitely faith stuff).

> 😂 Laughs Guaranteed: We’re like a sitcom, but live! Expect giggles, snorts, and maybe a spontaneous dance-off.


Q: Can I bring my pet llama?

A: As much as we love llamas, let’s stick to humans this time. 🦙

Q: Do I need to wear a cape?

A: Not mandatory, but if you’ve got one, flaunt it. We’re all superheroes in disguise. 🦸‍♂️

Q: Is there a secret handshake?

A: Maybe... but if we revealed it here, it wouldn't be a secret! You’ll have to join us to find out. 🤝


Q: What is the purpose of the youth ministry in our church?

A: The youth ministry exists to nurture and support students (middle and high school students) in their faith journey. It provides a safe space for them to grow spiritually, build relationships, and engage in meaningful activities.

Q: Who leads the youth ministry?

A: Our dedicated team of youth leaders, both paid and volunteer, guide and mentor the youth. They are committed to creating a positive and impactful experience for our young members.

Q: What programs and events are offered?

A: We have regular gatherings, such as Teen Tuesdays (6-8 PM), which include worship, games, and biblical messages. Additionally, we schedule retreats, mission trips, summer camp, and community service opportunities as a part of our yearly calendar.

Q: How can parents be involved?

A: Parents play a crucial role! They can volunteer, attend parent meetings, and support their teens in their faith journey.

We encourage parents to communicate with our youth leaders and participate in family-oriented events.

Q: What safety measures are in place?

A: All our youth leaders undergo background checks and training.

We follow strict guidelines for off-site activities and maintain a safe environment.

Q: How can teens connect with others?

A: Our youth ministry provides a platform for building friendships through small groups, social events, and service projects.

Teens can also join our online community for updates and discussions.

Q: How can I get my teen involved?

A: Encourage your teen to attend Teen Tuesdays and other events.

Invite their friends to join! Students don not need to be church members of Journey Church to attend.

Q: What if my teen has questions about faith?

A: We welcome questions! Our youth leaders are ready to engage in meaningful conversations.

We explore faith together and provide a safe space for doubts and exploration.

Q: How can I support the youth ministry?

A: Pray for our youth, leaders, and programs.

Donate resources or money to enhance our ministry and help send our students on events, camps, and missions.